Country Walk Series - Part Three (3.5km)
Walk - Campaspe River Walk
Length - 3.5km
Time to complete: approx. 2hrs return
We could not get out much this Tuesday due to the deluge of much needed rain so we returned to one of our favourite short walks closer to home. We love the Campaspe River Walk so much that Flop House created a guide for guests to explore the walk and attractions around it such as the old Victorian Hospital on Wedge Street.
The simplest way to begin the walk is from the Kyneton Botanic Gardens on Mollison Street. One of the great examples of Goldfields love for Victoriana, the gardens have wonderful varieties of trees that were popular at the time, including a rare Monkey Puzzle. Heading downhill from the garden's you will see the former Piggery, a tin shelter that was used up until the mid 1970's for pig auctions and then, further along after travelling through an Oak forest, you will arrive at the town's former swimming pool built into the banks of the river.
The Victorian Hospital is perched uphill from the former swimming pool and was the town's only hospital until the mid 1990's. It is now awaiting it's new fate in the hands of developers...